Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Healthy and good quality

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil harvested from the best and finest olive fruits in the world. It is organically grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Moreover, physical methods are used to squeeze its fruits, so that the quality, smell and characteristics of the oil are not affected.

Extra Virgin Minyak Zaitun dituai dari buah zaitun yang terbaik di dunia. Berkembang secara organic tanpa penggunaan racun perosak dan baja kimia. Selain itu, menggunakan kaedah fizikal untuk memerah isinya supaya kualiti, bau dan ciri-ciri minyak tidak terjejas.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil | Jood Brothers Sdn Bhd
To prevent diseases, and improve strength and overall health

Mencegah penyakit, meningkatkan kekuatan dan kesihatan

Protects the heart from various diseases

Melindungi jantung dari pelbagai penyakit

Reduces the risk of infection

Mengurangkan risiko jangkitan

Cleans the liver of toxins

Membersihkan toksin di dalam hati

Promotes colon health

Menggalakkan kesihatan kolon

Strengthens the function of the immune system

Menguatkan fungsi sistem imunisasi

Lowers the high cholesterol levels

Menurunkan kadar tinggi kolesterol

Controls blood sugar levels

Mengawal tahap gula dalam darah

Promotes brain health

Mencerdaskan otak

Improves the health of skin, hair and nails

Mengurangkan risiko jangkitan dan meningkatkan kesihatan kulit, rambut serta kuku

Rich in antioxidants, unsaturated healthy fats, and contains a high percentage of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body

Kaya dengan antioksidan, lemak sihat tidak tepu, mengandungi vitamin dan mineral yang penting untuk tubuh badan

Available In

Extra Virgin Olive Oil_250ml | Jood Brothers Sdn Bhd


Extra Virgin Olive Oil_500ml | Jood Brothers Sdn Bhd



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